Your parents care very much about you and you should do what you can make them happy. Learn what you can do to be a considerate of them. Your parent have do anything to make sure you can live in good condition and get a good education for your future. It's time for you to make them feel special and be valued for what they have done to you.
As you have hear hadith about obedience to parents and respecting parent is number one especially you mother. There are an hadith talking about and we have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; His mother bears him with great difficulty and gave birth to her with difficulty. [Al-Ahqaf 46:15]
Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu ' anh says :
"Who was the most deserving for I served as well as possible?"
He replied : "Your mother."
He asked again : "Then who?"
He replied : "Your mother."
He asked again : "Then who?"
He replied : "Your mother."
He asked again : "Then who?"
He said : "Your father."
Back to our topic. I have a good advice to share to you how to make your parent feel special. First of all, you have to talk to your parents regularly. A simple talk or phone call can make your parents happy. Call them no matter how busy you life is and see how they doing. Fill them in on your life. This gesture show them that you care and understand that they care about you. It's surely brighten their day to hear from you. Text them or send a funny picture during the day will let them know they are on your mind and still important in our life.
And there have an hadith :
*Anas r.a said, Rasulullah s.a.w said: "Surely someone left to die by his parents or one of them, then he is the one who betrayed her parents and she still pray for them and ask forgiveness for them so that God wrote as one who serves." (Narrated by Baihaqi)
Then, show your respect and love. Do what your parents tell you to do when they ask you to do it. This show your parents that you respect them and their authority. Knowing they have this respect from you will surely make them happy. You might be very learned and know the world better but remember that your parents have see the world first. So, respect their decision to show how much you love and care them. Always listen to what your parents talk to you. They have reason why they tell you to do thing or set rules. Listening to them will help you to understand their reasoning. If you have questions, just ask them and be open to their perspective.
*Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
Such is the degree of a child who is kind to his mother. If he asked for forgiveness for someone, Allah will forgive that person. Such great status until a friend of the noble position, he Commander of the Faithful 'Umar bin al-Khattab radhiallahu 'anh, do not miss the opportunity to look and ask him to pray for forgiveness for himself.
After that, surprise your parents with a gift. You don't need to always wait for mother's and father day to make them happy. Everyday is a special day if you care for them and want to make them feel special. You can send gift time to time and surprise them. If you are out and see your parent might like, buy it for them if you can afford it. If your mother likes clothes and you see a blouse that would flatter her, surprise her with the shirt even if there no occasion. You can try to make a hand-crafted for them as a presents. If you can knit, try to making your dad a shirt that says "THE BEST DAD EVER". If you are great cook, make them a cake and take it over their house,put in that extra effort to make sure they know they are loved. Receiving a gift always makes someone happy. That gesture of kindness, even when small, it's enough to make your parents feel appreciated.
*Anyone who makes her parents happy (the pleasure), then he gets the pleasure of Allah s.w.t. (Narrated by Bukhari)
Besides that, always be there to support your parents. Spent much time with you parents and ask them if you need any help or of there is any problem. Always be first to support them. Talk to your parents and learn more about them and let down your guard as well. Getting to know you this way will make them happy. As an adult, you can enjoy relationship with your parents that not centered around them caring for you but getting know each other on an adult level. Try activities with them you would not have done as a child, like watching R-rated movies that can stimulate conversation or making them dinner. Plenty of time to spent together. Try and make it fun as possible.
*The Prophet s.a.w which means, "Redha Allah depends on both the parents and the wrath of Allah depends on the wrath of both parents." (Narrated Hakim).
As a son, telling your parents about anything in your life probably seemed embarrassing and daunting. They will able to offer you advice that will be quite useful. Your parents have experienced what you are going through and care deeply about you. Letting them help will keep them close and make them happy.
And lastly, take them out. Never give them a chance to feel them self lonely and separated from the remaining world. Make a day, that your mother or father feel happy. Bring them to every place and treat them to lunch or candle light dinner. This is great opportunity to spent time with each other and it would make your parents very happy if you take advantage of that.
As an advice, do good or kind to your parents not because of their love but this is for the good of yourself as well as it being a lesson between the gates of heaven and the gates of hell.
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